

How To Choose The Right Crate

Crate training appeals to your pup’s natural instinct to seek shelter in a den-like environment. Crate training also helps to minimize damage to your home when you aren’t there. So how do you choose the right crate for your dog? Here’s our guide to choosing a crate.


You’ll want to consider your dog’s size when choosing a crate.

Extra small dogs – 18-22 inch crate: Best for breeds like Yorkshire, Terriers, Malesa, Papillons, and other toy breeds

Small dogs – 24-inch crate: Best for small dogs like Pugs, Shih Tzus, Miniature Dachshunds, and other small or miniature breeds

Medium Dogs – 30-inch crate: Best for medium-sized dogs like French Bulldogs, Dachshunds, Scottish Terriers, and other medium breeds

Intermediate – 36-inch crate: Best for intermediate dogs like bulldogs, bull terriers, beagles, cattle dogs, and other intermediate breeds

Large – 42-inch crate: For large dogs like boxers, border collies, Dalmatians, poodles, retrievers, and other larger breeds.

Extra Large – 48 Inch crate: For extra-large breeds like Akitas, Rottweiler, Huskies, Collies, Malamutes, and other extra-large breeds.


Wire – the traditional wire crate is the common choice for dog owners. Most are fully collapsible and come with a removable pan for easy transport and cleaning.

Plastic – These are a great option for frequent travelers and most airlines accept hard plastic crates.

Soft crates – Best for small breeds as these can be treated as a carry on travel item.

Do’s and Don’ts of using a crate:

  • Do place the crate in a warm and inviting place
  • Do place treats and toys in the crate
  • Don’t use a crate as punishment for bad behavior
  • Don’t leave your puppy in the crate for more than 3 hours



Choose The Best Dog Food

If you could help your dog to live a long and fruitful life would you do it.? The answer for most pet owners is “of course”. Well, the great news for you is that you can. Helping your dog live a long and quality life isn’t rocket science, it’s actually quite simple. Read on to learn the simple steps you can take.

Choose high-quality food

Not all dog foods are created equal and your dog deserves the best. Visit your vet to get a recommendation for the best quality food for your dog’s specific dietary needs. You may pay more for your dog’s food but health is wealth. Feeding your dog high-quality food now can help you save money in the future on the vet bill as your dog ages.

Avoid obesity

Obesity is the gateway to illness in dogs. A lean dog is more likely to live a long and quality life. Be sure to not underfeed your dog in a fear of making him obese. Your vet can help to recommend the correct portion size and frequency of meals for your pup.

Visit the Vet regularly

When it comes to vetting visits is best to stay on track. Missing milestone appointments can compromise your dog’s health. Mark your calendar or create a reminder on your phone so that you can always attend your vet appointments. Your pup will be very grateful.

Make Dental Health a priority

Healthy teeth and gums can help your dog live longer. If you notice tooth decay, bad breath, or tooth loss speak to your vet about options for improving your dog’s dental health.  The sooner you act the better when it comes to oral health.

Monitor his outdoor time

Outdoor time is your dog’s chance to run free and wild, but it’s your job to ensure he isn’t hurt. Always assess areas that your dog plays in and ensure they are safe and free from sharp objects or dangerous hazards. This will help playtime be carefree and fun. 



Biking with your Dog

Most dogs love to run, and some breeds are physically bred for speed and endurance, like the greyhound, who can run up to 45 mph. Dogs of any breed or size will enjoy a long jog in the park or a quick run around the block. And if riding a bicycle is something that you enjoy doing, taking your dog with you is a wonderful way to spend time with him while getting a good workout yourself at the same time.  Here are few tips to teach a dog to run alongside you as you bike.

How to keep your dog by your side

If you usually ride your bicycle in your neighborhood, it won’t be difficult for your dog to keep up. The safest way for riding a bike with your dog in this location is to keep him on a leash. This will help to prevent his from wandering away.

Look for a leash that allows you to keep your hands on the handlebars while giving you the ability to keep your dog on leash at the same time. These types of leashes can be mounted under the bike handles. They offer protection and comfort for both you and your dog.

How To Deal With Distraction

Your dog will less likely get bothered by distractions if he knows how to heel. Therefore, practice his obedience skills like “Off”, and “Leave it” before you begin your ride.

Also, make sure you bring along his favorite snack. Whenever he comes across a distraction, tell him to “Leave it” and then give him a snack. It’ll be easier for him to pay attention to you, above anything else, because he knows that you brought along his favorite snack. Also do this exercise before you ride.

A few more tips

  • Start with short paths that your dog is familiar with
  • Be patient as your dog get the hang of running while you ride
  • Wear protective gear, including a helmet
  • Don’t ride too fast, remain at a comfort pace for your dog



Can Dogs suffer from Anxiety?

Humans aren’t the only ones who suffer from anxiety, dogs can also experience anxiety in various forms. Read more to learn about the types, causes, and treatments for anxiety in dogs.

Most dogs will exhibit some degree of anxiety in their lives, and this behavior can be displayed as fearful or aggressive behavior. There are several types of dog anxiety including

  • Separation anxiety
  • Noise phobia
  • Food aggression
  • Fearful aggression

Anxiety or stress in dogs can be caused by a number of factors so it can be difficult to determine the cause. In some cases, it can be simple to determine the cause but difficult to treat or manage. One of the best ways to determine the cause of your dog’s anxiety is to look for the symptoms that occur when the trigger is present. Symptoms can range from

  • Pacing
  • Hiding
  • Shaking
  • Avoidance
  • Vomiting
  • Inappropriate urination or defecation

Once you have determined the trigger then you can begin with treatment or management of your dog’s anxiety. There is no one size fits all treatment plan for dogs with anxiety so be patient and compassionate to your dog in the process.

Desensitization – If the trigger is the nail trimmer, begin to desensitize your dog by presenting the trimmers in a non-threatening environment and allow your dog to adjust and begin to naturally reduce his anxiety.

Counter Condition – Offer your pet a reward when exposed to the trigger to help your dog associate the trigger with the reward. The reward will eventually begin to outweigh the fear

Medication – in extreme cases it may be best to consider medication to help manage your dog’s anxiety. Visit your vet for guidance on the severity of your dog’s anxiety and determine medication is the best option for treatment. 

Lastly, its import to remember the do’s and don’ts of dealing with a dog who has anxiety

  • Don’t challenge or show aggression to a dog
  • Don’t physically harm your dogs
  • Do ensure your pet is current on all vaccines
  • Do warn others of your pet’s behavior before allowing them to touch or approach your dog




6 Facts about Golden Retrievers

Golden retrievers are one of the most famous dog breeds in the world, and it’s not hard to see why. Here are 10 golden retriever facts that will only make you love them more.

1. Golden Retrievers Are a Noble Breed

 The breed came into existence in the 19th century mainly due to the efforts of Lord Tweedmouth. They were first bred in Scotland from flat coated retrievers and water spaniels.

2. Golden Retrievers are Natural Swimmers

By instinct, golden retrievers are large water lovers. In fact, their outer coats are water repellent. This proved beneficial for hunting in environments where there were wetlands and rivers in addition to forests. Even to this day, goldens take like a fish to water.

3. There Are Three Types of Goldens

There are British, American, and Canadian types. Most of the differences lie on the physical attributes, but there is some variation in temperament as well.

4. Two American Presidents Had Golden Retrievers

Both President Ford and President Regan had golden retrievers as pets. President Gerald Ford’s was named Liberty (full name Honor’s Foxfire Liberty Hume), who even had a litter of puppies while she was at the White House.

5. Goldens are Internationally Popular Dogs

And not just in America, where they are the third most popular breed by registration. They rank fifth in Australia (probably because they can chill with kangaroos, am I right), and eighth in the United Kingdom. Not shabby at all, huh?

6. They are Guinness World Record Holders

There are at least two golden retrievers in the world who are known Guinness World Record holders. The first one is for the loudest bark (beating even a chainsaw at 113.1 decibels), and the other is for the most number of tennis balls held in a dog’s mouth (five).



8 February Pet Holidays that you should Observe

Pet owners look for any reason to celebrate their beloved animals. Well, this February we are giving you 8 reasons Dog holidays that you can Observe. 

Feb. 3: Doggie Date Night. 

Celebrate by taking your pup on a special night out. Whether it’s a simple night stroll through the park, or a night at home to cuddle and watch movies, your dog deserves a date night.

Feb. 3: National Golden Retriever Day.

Golden Retriever’s day is your opportunity to show your pride and joy. Find a local group online or join a meetup with other Golden Retriever owners to celebrate. 

Feb. 14: Pet Theft Awareness Day

It happens more often than you think. If you have suffered from Pet theft, then you know how painful it can be to suddenly lose a friend and family member. Shed light and tell your story using #pettheftawarenessday

Feb. 20: Love Your Pet Day.

We know that every day is love your pet day, but this day is an opportunity to show it. Buy his favorite treat or let him go with you to the bank. It’s the little things that show how much you love your dog. 

Feb. 22: Walking the Dog Day.

Have you been wanting to get more exercise? Well, today is your day to start! Instead of letting the dog out in the backyard, take your pup on a walk and begin a new regime. Your dog will love exploring the neighborhood and bonding with you. 

Feb. 23: International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day.

Dog Biscuits are great, just ask your dog. He’ll surely know how to celebrate dog biscuit appreciation day. 

Feb. 25: World Spay Day. 

An annual campaign by the Humane Society International and The Humane Society of the United States; held the last Tuesday of February.



Introducing Your Pet To Home Guest

Whether it’s the holiday season or a dinner party or summer vacation, your home can get busy at times. Since your pet is a family member, your guest should feel as comfortable as you do in your pet-friendly home. There are many ways to introduce your pets to your family and friends that will help create a peaceful and happy environment for all.

To avoid any unnecessary trauma, and have a positive and exciting experience, follow these tips when introducing your pets to your home guest.


 Here are a few helpful tips on how to properly introduce your pets to new people. 

1. Separate Space For Guest and Your Pet 

When guest arrives, place your dog in a separate room until your guest are settled in your home. This will avoid over exciting your dog, causing them to misbehave and jump with uncontrollable excitement. Separating your pet room your guest will be especially helpful if you have more than one guest visiting. Once everyone is settled, bring your puppy out to meet your family and friends. 

 2. Pet Treats

Allow your guests to offer your pet treats. Some pets can be shy and nervous about approaching people they are not familiar with. Treats are an excellent way to eliminate shyness and develop the trust your pet needs to happily meet your guest. Allow your guests to hold the treats in their hands and allow your pet to initiate the introduction and approach your guest. This gentle way of building trust for your pet will help them welcome your guest to your home.

3. Don’t Force the Introduction 

Allow the process of introduction to happen naturally since dogs like to sniff out people first. Take your pet and guest on a walk together. It may take a little time for your pet to feel comfortable,



Home Training Your Dog

Getting a new puppy can be an exciting time! As a pet lover, you can’t wait to add your new family member to your home, but this is the easy part. Home training your new family member is the most rewarding venture, yet it can be the most challenging. Puppies are naturally very excited animals and need to be trained for the household environment. It is important you start to train your puppy as soon as they enter your household. Here are a few helpful tips on how to train your puppy at home.  

1. A Space Just for Your Puppy 

Establish your household boundaries. If there are areas in your house that you would not like your puppy to roam around in, make that clear to your dog. It is perfectly fine if you tell your puppy  “No” this will help you establish boundaries with them. Set up a specific area in your home for your This space will be used for feeding your puppy, a doggie bed and any toys your puppy will enjoy.

2. Curb Any Bad Puppy Habits 

Any biting or nipping of any kind should be discouraged. Puppies naturally bite or nip when they are excited. This chewing type action is not a sign of aggression, but merely a natural trait for dogs. It is up to you to let your puppy know this type of behavior is unacceptable in your household. By not allowing your puppy to continue this behavior, you are stopping any bad habits that may develop, as well as preventing serious bites when your dog’s teeth become even stronger. 

3. Reward Good Behavior 

Training your puppy can be tough on them, remember they are trying their best. Practice patience and give lots of treats, rewarding them for their hard work. Praise them with a friendly pet or cuddle that will make their tail wag and make you the happiest pet owner on earth!



Gifts for Your Dog

Though we don’t need a reason to buy our puppy a gift, holidays and birthdays give us a good excuse. And since your furry friends come in different sizes and breeds and ages, there are a ton of choices that make excellent gifts for your pet. From doggie clothes to doggie treats to doggie toys shopping for your puppy can be a lot of fun!

1. Goody Box For Your Furry Friend

Fill your birthday goody box with morsels and jerky and doggy breath mints. These boxes are designed for your dog according to their age and weight and can be ordered online. You can’t go wrong with these edible treats full of soft and chewy goodies. These goodie boxes can also include a heated pet bed. When this package arrives, your dog will be jumping for joy!

2. Doggie Clothes

Browse through the many styles of doggie clothes by shopping with your dog. You can touch and feel the texture of the clothing and decide which outfit is best for your pet. Don’t forget the accessories and booties designed just for your pet. Small and large boutiques make browsing for unique doggie clothes a charming adventure. Your favorite doggie clothes designers have a unique set of doggie clothes waiting for you and your furry friend. If you want the convenience of online shopping, feel free to browse and order at home just in time for the holiday parties.

3. Doggie Toys

When it comes to toys, there are many choices. The variety of doggie toys range from the quiet and chewy kind to the loud and durable one. Your selection of toys all depends on the personality of your dog. Sushi chewable toys work well for puppies and Frisbees work well for all dogs, it helps to keep your pet active, it’s fun and helps sustain their life.



Doggie Day Care

We would all love to say we have all the time we need to take care of ourselves and our dog. But the truth is, your life gets busy and there are days and weeks when you can barely take care of yourself, not to mention your pet. A doggie daycare or boarding facility is the perfect place for your pet during these times. This daycare option could be the ideal choice to make sure your pet has all of its needs met. Here are a few tips on doggie daycares that may be the perfect answer for you and your puppy’s needs.

1. Information Required 

To keep the daycares safe, your dog needs to have all of his required vaccinations up to date. These vaccinations include rabies and distemper, and your dog must pass a temperament test. If your dog is over six months old, they must be spayed or neutered. It is a good idea to visit with your dog and see how your dog reacts to the environment.

2. What Doggie Day Cares Provide

Early drop off hours, in case you need to get to work for that crucial meeting. Doggie daycares provide exercise, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and lots of companionship. You can provide your dog’s food to the daycare,  so his diet is familiar to him. Dogs get ample playtime or time to lounge around. Nap times are welcome, and lots of treats are provided, and staff of dog lovers always surround your dog with plenty of love. Doggie daycares can be the ultimate place for your dog to spend the day.

3. Other Benefits of Doggie Day Cares

You are welcome to use the pet webcams to watch your pet while you are away; it may make you feel more at ease. Dog grooming is available if you have not had the time to get your pet groomed. Doggie daycares don’t need a lot of notice, so sign up online, pack up your puppy, and head to the nearest doggie daycare so your puppy can have some fun!



Dog Sitting Success for the Holidays

The holidays may mean travel time for you and your family, and that may not include your pet. It is not difficult to find a sitter, simply prepare in advance and give yourself time to find the perfect dog sitter for your furry friend. It’s easy to set up your dog sitting experience, so it’s a carefree and successful experience. Pets are easy to care for and just want to be loved. Whether your dog sitter is a perfect stranger or your well known next-door neighbor, there are a few things you can do to set your pet and his dog sitter up for success.

1. Meet With Your Potential Pet Sitter 

When it comes to finding the right person to care for your pet while you are out of town, it’s essential to choose the person that blends well with your pet. Set up a meeting with your sitter and narrow down the candidate. Once you have narrowed your choice to one or two candidates, set up a time when you, the candidate, and your pet can spend some time together. Go on a walk and observe the interaction between your pet and the potential dog sitter.

2. Supplies, Supplies, Supplies

With the right amount of supplies, your dog sitter can focus on caring for your pet. Make a list of dog food and other supplies your pet will need based on the time you will be out of town. Always buy extra supplies in case your trip is unexpectedly extended. Your list should include dog food, an extra collar and leash, gates, dog bed, treats, your pet’s favorite toy, and any special items such as medicine your pet may need.

3. Important Emergency Information 

Post a list of emergency numbers your sitter can easily access. This list should include the nearest veterinarian or emergency pet hospital, your neighbor or relative, and any alternative number where you can be reached.   

Now relax and enjoy the holidays, knowing you have chosen the right dog sitter, and your puppy is well taken care of.



How To Make A Dog’s Coat Shine

1. Nutrition         

A Good Quality Feeding Program literally shines out from your dog. Always check that your dog’s daily food is rich in protein (chicken, turkey, beef or lamb). When you check the brand ingredients on the food label protein should be the first on the list. Make sure that the food has a low quantity of grains and preservatives.

Add Omega 3 Fatty Acids to Your Dog’s Diet To Make Your Dog’s Coat Shine. Add a little oily fish or a supplement to nourish the skin cells and improve dryness or itchy patches. Omega 3 has anti-inflammatory properties that help if your dog has allergies or other skin conditions.

It is important to only add small quantities of oily fish to start with because it can cause diarrhea.

Examples of oily fish:

  • Mackerel
  • Salmon
  • Herring
  • Sardines
  • Flaxseeds and Cod liver oil is also a great source of Omega 3 Fatty Acid.

2. Daily Grooming

Brushing your dog every day will not only stop the coat from getting matted or tangled, but it will also give the coat a great shine. Use good quality grooming tools specific to the breed and type of coat. If your dog has a long coat use a de-shedding tool to remove all the loose, damaged fur. Check for ticks and fleas so that they can be treated straight away. Look out for abnormalities when you groom your dog. If you spot lumps, rashes and sores on the skin, consult your vet for early diagnosis.

3. Bathing

If you want to achieve a shiny dog coat you may need to bathe your dog less frequently. The reason is that bathing strips the coat of essential oils needed to keep the coat looking healthy. Try to restrict regular baths to just one per month and use good quality dog shampoo and conditioners which are made from natural products. Make sure you rinse the fur really well after bathing. Any residue will leave the coat dull and lifeless. If your dog has itchy skin or allergies an oatmeal bath will soothe the skin and add shine to the coat. Add a final rinse of alcohol-free beer to the fur, leave for five minutes then rinse thoroughly to get the coat to really shine.