The Petland Opportunity
The Petland franchised business model is unique in a retail universe where virtually every retailer is looking for a way to remove the human element from their business. They want to create the illusion of great customer service but they attempt to do it with minimum waged, poorly trained and poorly led store associates. Most retailers today view employees as an expense; at Petland we know they are an investment.

Selecting Your Site
Petland will assist you in evaluating your market demographics. Determining traffic patterns, population, and development trends are critical to the site location and lease negotiation process. Petland will make a careful analysis of the market to determine if there is adequate population in the area to support your business plan. The site location is a joint effort. The location must be approved by you and Petland. Once a location has met our mutual criteria, we will conduct lease negotiations for you. As an established company with a name that is trusted in the pet business, Petland can assist you in negotiating the best space available at the best terms.

Designing Your Petland Store
Petland stores are designed to make customer service and pet care efficient and productive. Petland stores range in size from 2,000 to 6,000 square feet, largely determined by specific market factors and the franchisees budget. Regardless of store size, Petland designers will utilize the space to take advantage of existing conditions. Our goal is to keep costs in line while developing a Petland store that will make the most of the market’s opportunities. Petland custom fixtures are state-of-the-art in function and design. Each of the kennel, bird, small animal, reptile, and tropical fish units are a product of more than 45 years of scrutiny by Petland and its family of franchisees. Fixtures are designed to meet the needs of the animals to be housed, and the Petland associates who will care for them… while giving maximum consideration to proper merchandising so all pets are presented from their best vantage point.

Constructing Your Store
Petland can offer you turnkey services in developing your Petland store, whatever your needs may be. Whether it’s handling leasehold improvement construction to prepare the premises for the custom Petland fixtures, ordering and installing the fixtures, or pricing and merchandising the pet supplies. You may choose to provide some or all of the construction and development management with the assistance of the Petland team.